Game made for the Trijam #144 : the 3 hour game jam

The theme was : LIFELINE

However, I made it in 4 hours and 30 minutes.

The goal of the game is to reach the top without being shot or having enemies cutting your rope.

Hope you'll have fun!

lifeline :

  1. 1. a thing on which someone or something depends or which provides a means of escape from a difficult situation. "the telephone has always been a lifeline for Gabby and me"
  2. 2. a rope or line used for life-saving, typically one thrown to rescue someone in difficulties in water or one used by sailors to secure themselves to a boat. "he rigged a lifeline fore and aft and clipped the safety line on the girl's life jacket to it"


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This is pretty fun! I will say, it's a bit hard at times, and there's a bug where all you have to do is go down enough for the enemies to be off screen for them to be completely despawned.

Damn, well spotted, of course, I didn't realize that! Thanks a lot for your comment :)